Something New To You: The Industrialized Anti-White Propaganda of the Motion Picture Industry
(too old to reply)
2008-11-01 01:50:41 UTC
A recent, perhaps trivial, example of this kind of intellectual ethnic
warfare is the popular movie Addams Family Values (released in
November 1993), produced by Scott Rudin (jewish), directed by Barry
Sonnenfeld (jewish), and written by Paul Rudnick (jewish).

The bad guys in the movie are virtually anyone with blond hair (the
exception being an overweight child), and the good guys include two
Jewish children wearing yarmulkes. (Indeed, having blond hair is
viewed as a pathology, so that when the dark-haired Addams baby
temporarily becomes blond, there is a family crisis.)

The featured Jewish child has dark hair, ears glasses, and is
physically frail and nonathletic. He often makes precociously
intelligent comments, and he is severely punished by the blond-haired
counselors for reading a highly intellectual book. The evil gentile
children are the opposite: blond, athletic, and unintellectual.

Together with other assorted dark-haired children from a variety of
ethnic backgrounds and white gentile children rejected by their peers
(for being overweight, etc.), the Jewish boy and the Addams family
children lead a very violent movement that succeeds in destroying the
blond enemy.

The movie is a parable illustrating the general thrust of Jewish
intellectual and political activity relating to immigration and
multiculturalism in Western societies. It is also consistent with the
general thrust of Hollywood movies.

Powers, Rothman and Rothman (1996, 207) characterize television as
promoting liberal, cosmopolitan values, and Lichter, Lichter and
Rothman (1994, 251) find that television portrays cultural pluralism
in positive terms and as easily achieved apart from the activities of
a few ignorant or bigoted miscreants.

Excerpt of: The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of
Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political
Movements By Kevin MacDonald


2008-11-01 03:01:26 UTC
Post by t***@googlemail.com
A recent, perhaps trivial, example of this kind of intellectual ethnic
warfare is the popular movie Addams Family Values (released in
November 1993), produced by Scott Rudin (jewish), directed by Barry
Sonnenfeld (jewish), and written by Paul Rudnick (jewish).
Don't be stupid be a smarty!
Come on and join the Nazi Party!

-- Mel Brooks (a known jew)
